One husband, two daughters, and 8 ( yes 8!) cats.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cats 8 People 4: Bad Mommy Moments & Socialization

Cats 8 People 4: Bad Mommy Moments & Socialization: "I have been reading the series Tales From Grace Chapel Inn . The current book, Recipes & Wooden Spoons , contains a lot of recipes. I decide..."

Bad Mommy Moments & Socialization

I have been reading the series Tales From Grace Chapel Inn . The current book, Recipes & Wooden Spoons, contains a lot of recipes. I decided to try one this morning, the recipe for German Pancake.

This involved using my iron skillet in the oven. After I took the pancake out and served it, the skillet was cooling on a hot pad on the counter. I told Amanda it was hot, but she accidentally brushed against it with her fingers. Sigh. I hate when the day begins with a bad mommy moment.

John is working, since he is taking Monday off to attend a minor league baseball game with us. The Kannapolis Intimidators are having an Education day, and we get in free. Another perk of homeschooling, since the public schools here are still in session for another week.

We have a pool date for lunch on Tuesday. And they say homeschoolers are "unsocialized"! This is one of my biggest pet peeves whenever someone finds out we homeschool. Invariably they say, "Well as long as they get enough 'socialization'".

Which prompts me to think about the socialization they get in public school. I mean, really. They don't socialize in class. At our elementary school they have silent lunch because they only have a small amount of time to eat. And recess is a thing of the past because they have to use that time doing planned physical activity in order to meet the P.E. requirements!

The kids spend 6 hours a day in school, longer if they are in before or after school care. When they get home they have homework, baths and bed. So when exactly do they socialize?

The socialization I see is "dating" starting age 11, and all the drama that goes with it. Interaction is taken up with 'he said' 'she said' and power plays for friendships.

I am not saying none of this happens between homeschoolers, because I am sure it does. But what I have observed is a slower pace, inter-generational friendships, and interaction between all age levels. At our co-op, the older kids and the younger kids are together, many times the older kids teach or assist in classes with the younger.

My kids meet every couple of weeks with other homeschool friends, when we are not in co-op, which meets every week. They are involved at church, take music and are involved in homeschool band events, play chess in a group, and Amanda is beginning Tae Kwon Do classes. And our outside activities are limited compared to most homeschool families.

This type of activity is typical for the homeschoolers we know. We know homeschoolers who are involved in competitive ballroom dancing, swim team, basketball, cheer, professional drama, and many more. None of our public school friends have the time for such things.

I am not knocking public school - it has it's place. But I wish the misconception of hermit like, pasty faced, backward homeschoolers would disappear!

Friday, June 3, 2011


It is now June. It has been hotter than blazes here this week - it has felt like August.

This is the first year that I got into the neighborhood pool on opening day. The water was cool, but not cold, which is a first. I guess a week of 90 degree temperatures will do that.

Sadly, if this keeps up, the result will be that the pool will enter the non-refreshing stage an entire month early.  This will  be chaos if my kids can't head to the pool to cool off.  Not to mention that my sanity is at risk here as well.

On another note, we have slowed down with our schooling. I really need to get a daily rhythm with Amanda for doing some remedial phonics work, math & reading. She is voluntarily reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, and is on book 2.

I have been perusing a friend's copy of Spell to Write and Read. Reading the first 35 pages turned my brain to mush. But, I will continue to read and see if I think this would be a good investment in working with Amanda. I am hoping the Rod & Staff curriculum I purchased at the NCHE book fair will have her show some improvement.

And while we are on the book fair, I have concluded that you must never go without a rolling cart or suitcase of some kind. Even the smallest amount of books weighs 10 tons when you have to walk around with them hanging from your shoulder all day!

I did make some good purchases at the book fair. I finished out Amanda's curriculum (unless we go with another spelling program <sigh>), stocked up on art supplies from Miller Pad & Paper, and got a cool new planner for me.

The long search for the perfect planner has ended. This one is laid out just how I want it to be. It also gives me 4 columns on each day, so I can track our appointments etc., separately and not have a jumble of stuff written  on each day.

Right now, I am just biding my time for June to turn to July so I can use it!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lazy Thursday

So we are now finished with our year end testing. If motivation was low before, it has hit rock bottom today!
The scores from yesterday's testing is about what was expected. Everything was at or above grade level, except spelling and reading. Since we have been dealing with vision issues, and reading has been hard, confidence is low.

Our goal now is to regroup, review and build some self confidence. Luckily, tomorrow I head to the NCHE Convention and book fair. I have a list of spelling and reading curriculum I want to look at.

Since we are heading into summer, I am going to take it easy and do some basic review. Explode the Code and reading as well as some online work should take us to Fall.

The tester recommended Spell to Write and Read. Alas, I have heard nothing but how hard it is for the teacher. Every used book sale I attend has a ton of these available. In addition, it costs $100. Too much to spend on something sight unseen, which might frustrate both of us and end up being sold as used!

Luckily, I have a great friend who has the program, and is going to let me look at it. Maybe if I can look through it and get a feel for it, I will know if it is something I will be able to manage.

That is the nice thing about going to the book fairs. It gives me a chance to get my hands on the books, open them and see what is involved and whether or not it will fit our needs. Plus, they usually give a discount at the book fairs, which is always a bonus.

So, I keep telling myself that this is the great thing about homeschooling, that I can meet each child where they are in their learning curve. We can review and relearn as needed. And, we can forge ahead in the areas where they are achieving at a higher level.

We sure couldn't do that in public school! Glad we are homeschooling!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today is year end testing for Amanda. Actually, year end testing is only taken by the kids, the results are the indicator of my abilities/shortcomings as a teacher. So, while Amanda is nervous, I am stressed.

I think as home school Moms we always are harder on ourselves than others are. I tend to compare myself to all my home school Mom friends and what they are doing with their kids. Some are very organized and diligent and their kids are in every activity.

I tend to be more relaxed, and I enjoy that, but when I hear about some of the other kids and what they are doing and the tests they are taking, I think my kids will end up on the street corner selling pencils from a cup.

I think I lose focus on why we chose to home school to begin with. I love being with my girls, even when they are fighting like cats and dogs. I love the sense of accomplishment when they finally "get it" or take a new interest and run with it.

I have a hard time remembering that God is in control of all of this, and I have to pay attention to what He and the girls are telling me about which direction we need to head. I think this is hardest with Amanda, because she is all over the board on where she is academically.

I supposed this is no different than any other job. I think if I was out in the "real" world I would probably be comparing my performance to others doing the same job. But in this one, I have to remember that my kids are my kids, and theirs are theirs. What they do wouldn't mesh with mine, and what we do would probably send their kids running back to public school.

Maybe the value of our more relaxed days will be seen in their later years. I hope they will remember this time and all the trips, fun activities, times we struggled through a subject with success, and have happy memories.

In the meantime - pray I pass today!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring is Springing

Well, it is April 6th, I have kept up so well with my blog! <insert sarcasm here>

It is going to be a beautiful day here in NC. I am looking out my front window at the spring green trees and the sunshine. We might actually have to go out later!

We are still homeschooling, and have started new curriculum for Amanda. We started Teaching Textbooks for her math - level 4. I wanted her to do one lesson, but she actually had FUN and three lessons. We can only pray this enthusiasm lasts!

Today we are starting My Father's World. I think she will like that as well, since it is all laid out day by day and she can see what is expected.

It is also seriously time to think about a garden. We didn't plant one last year, but this year begs for fresh tomatoes and corn. We just need to find a tiller we can borrow.

Painting has almost been completed in the family room - soon to be craft/school room. We chose "Frosted Lemon" and it really is a pretty color. We still need another gallon to finish, and then I have to rent a Rug Doctor and get the carpets cleaned. Hoping all this will be done next week sometime.

Off to the library later, and to CVS, The day of a homeschool mom!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Another Year, Another Day

So it is now 2011. How did it get to be 2011? Wasn't it just 2010?

I never believed the adults when I was a kid, who said time goes faster the older you get. Seriously, they were right!

So, today, we start back on our homeschool journey. I don't know who is dreading it more, me or the girls. Our weekly Morning Grace Bible study starts back next week, and co-op starts next month. Once we get all that going again, it will be easier to keep to a routine since time will be limited.

Katie is taking guitar lessons every other Monday, and both girls are playing Upward basketball. So, we have practice on Monday and Thursday nights, a 2 games each Saturday. This, with church on Wednesday and Sunday will keep us moving.

I am looking for an activity for Amanda. we probably ought to start piano lessons for both girls. I have the books and it is not like I can't teach them the basics. Just lazy I guess.

I am thinking that karate or tae kwan do might be good for Amanda - for her focus and self control. Gymnastics might be good as well.

Since I started Weight Watchers again, I am taking the couch to 5K challenge. Not sure I'll get to a 5K, but hey, it's worth a shot. I am trying to find info on the kid's triathlons for NC. I really think Amanda would do great with those.

Along with all this brain strain and exercise, I need to declutter and reorganize the house. We received Home Depot gift cards for Christmas, so I am hoping some painting will occur soon.

The biggest challenge is getting the finances in order. Everything hinges on the money, sadly. Having things eased up so we could plan for activities, vacations and things would be nice.

Spiritual growth needs to occur as well. Gosh, that's a lot!