One husband, two daughters, and 8 ( yes 8!) cats.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lazy Thursday

So we are now finished with our year end testing. If motivation was low before, it has hit rock bottom today!
The scores from yesterday's testing is about what was expected. Everything was at or above grade level, except spelling and reading. Since we have been dealing with vision issues, and reading has been hard, confidence is low.

Our goal now is to regroup, review and build some self confidence. Luckily, tomorrow I head to the NCHE Convention and book fair. I have a list of spelling and reading curriculum I want to look at.

Since we are heading into summer, I am going to take it easy and do some basic review. Explode the Code and reading as well as some online work should take us to Fall.

The tester recommended Spell to Write and Read. Alas, I have heard nothing but how hard it is for the teacher. Every used book sale I attend has a ton of these available. In addition, it costs $100. Too much to spend on something sight unseen, which might frustrate both of us and end up being sold as used!

Luckily, I have a great friend who has the program, and is going to let me look at it. Maybe if I can look through it and get a feel for it, I will know if it is something I will be able to manage.

That is the nice thing about going to the book fairs. It gives me a chance to get my hands on the books, open them and see what is involved and whether or not it will fit our needs. Plus, they usually give a discount at the book fairs, which is always a bonus.

So, I keep telling myself that this is the great thing about homeschooling, that I can meet each child where they are in their learning curve. We can review and relearn as needed. And, we can forge ahead in the areas where they are achieving at a higher level.

We sure couldn't do that in public school! Glad we are homeschooling!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today is year end testing for Amanda. Actually, year end testing is only taken by the kids, the results are the indicator of my abilities/shortcomings as a teacher. So, while Amanda is nervous, I am stressed.

I think as home school Moms we always are harder on ourselves than others are. I tend to compare myself to all my home school Mom friends and what they are doing with their kids. Some are very organized and diligent and their kids are in every activity.

I tend to be more relaxed, and I enjoy that, but when I hear about some of the other kids and what they are doing and the tests they are taking, I think my kids will end up on the street corner selling pencils from a cup.

I think I lose focus on why we chose to home school to begin with. I love being with my girls, even when they are fighting like cats and dogs. I love the sense of accomplishment when they finally "get it" or take a new interest and run with it.

I have a hard time remembering that God is in control of all of this, and I have to pay attention to what He and the girls are telling me about which direction we need to head. I think this is hardest with Amanda, because she is all over the board on where she is academically.

I supposed this is no different than any other job. I think if I was out in the "real" world I would probably be comparing my performance to others doing the same job. But in this one, I have to remember that my kids are my kids, and theirs are theirs. What they do wouldn't mesh with mine, and what we do would probably send their kids running back to public school.

Maybe the value of our more relaxed days will be seen in their later years. I hope they will remember this time and all the trips, fun activities, times we struggled through a subject with success, and have happy memories.

In the meantime - pray I pass today!