One husband, two daughters, and 8 ( yes 8!) cats.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Another Year, Another Day

So it is now 2011. How did it get to be 2011? Wasn't it just 2010?

I never believed the adults when I was a kid, who said time goes faster the older you get. Seriously, they were right!

So, today, we start back on our homeschool journey. I don't know who is dreading it more, me or the girls. Our weekly Morning Grace Bible study starts back next week, and co-op starts next month. Once we get all that going again, it will be easier to keep to a routine since time will be limited.

Katie is taking guitar lessons every other Monday, and both girls are playing Upward basketball. So, we have practice on Monday and Thursday nights, a 2 games each Saturday. This, with church on Wednesday and Sunday will keep us moving.

I am looking for an activity for Amanda. we probably ought to start piano lessons for both girls. I have the books and it is not like I can't teach them the basics. Just lazy I guess.

I am thinking that karate or tae kwan do might be good for Amanda - for her focus and self control. Gymnastics might be good as well.

Since I started Weight Watchers again, I am taking the couch to 5K challenge. Not sure I'll get to a 5K, but hey, it's worth a shot. I am trying to find info on the kid's triathlons for NC. I really think Amanda would do great with those.

Along with all this brain strain and exercise, I need to declutter and reorganize the house. We received Home Depot gift cards for Christmas, so I am hoping some painting will occur soon.

The biggest challenge is getting the finances in order. Everything hinges on the money, sadly. Having things eased up so we could plan for activities, vacations and things would be nice.

Spiritual growth needs to occur as well. Gosh, that's a lot!